Granbury DWI Defense Attorney
Meet Our Criminal Defense Attorney

Rob Christian
Board Certified®
Criminal Defense Lawyer Fighting for Your Rights Following DWI Charges in Hood County, TX
The Lone Star State was recently ranked as the third-worst state for drunk driving. About 42.3 percent of all Texas traffic deaths are the result of an impaired driver, and there are nearly 340 DWI arrests made per 100,000 licensed drivers in the state. While drunk driving is certainly a problem, there are cases in which a person may face extremely harsh penalties after having one beer with friends or failing a breathalyzer test for reasons that have nothing to do with impairment.
In response to the drunk driving statistics, police officers and prosecutors across the state may have become a bit overzealous. If you are facing DWI charges in Hood County, it is crucial that you speak to a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney from The Law Offices of Rob Christian. Even if this is your first offense, you could find that the consequences of a DWI conviction could follow you for a very long time.
Texas DWI Laws
Texas officially uses the term "driving while intoxicated" (DWI) rather than "driving under the influence" (DUI), although many people use the terms interchangeably. Like every other state except Utah, the legal blood alcohol concentration limit in Texas is 0.08 percent. It is illegal to drive with a BAC of 0.08 percent or higher or to drive while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol.
This is an important distinction. "Intoxication" means the driver lacks the normal use of mental or physical faculties as a result of drinking alcohol or using drugs. The term is extremely subjective, allowing a police officer to say a person is intoxicated based solely on the officer's observations.
Further, a driver can be charged with DWI even when they are not actually driving. "Sleeping it off" in a reclined driver's seat after pulling over to a safe area could still result in the driver being charged with DWI if the keys were within their reach. For those under the age of 21, the state has a zero-tolerance policy, making it illegal to drive with any detectable amount of alcohol in their system.
What Are the Penalties for a Granbury, TX DWI Conviction?
A first-offense DWI conviction could potentially result in up to 180 days in jail, with a three-day mandatory sentence. The driver will lose their driver's license for up to a year and could be assessed fines as high as $2,000. A second-offense DWI conviction can result in one month to one year in jail and the loss of driving privileges for up to two years. The fines for a second offense can be as high as $4,000. A third-offense DWI conviction can result in a prison term of two to 10 years, a fine as high as $10,000, and the loss of driving privileges for up to two years.
The fines listed above do not include a state fine of $3,000, $4,500, or $6,000 assessed upon sentencing. It can be extremely expensive to be convicted of DWI. When a person has no driver's license, they may not be able to obtain or keep a job, go to school, take their children to school, or even run necessary errands. Unfortunately, the consequences do not end when a jail sentence is over. A driver with a DWI on their record will face extremely high auto insurance rates for many years, and they may be required to have an interlock device installed on their vehicle, which comes with a monthly cost of $100 to $150.
Are There Defenses to DWI Charges?
It is virtually never a good idea to simply plead guilty to DWI charges. A knowledgeable DWI attorney may be able to challenge many aspects of a DWI stop and the resulting charges, potentially having the charges reduced or even dropped. The officer must have had probable cause to pull the driver over, such as erratic driving. Once stopped, there must be probable cause to administer field sobriety tests—which are notoriously inaccurate.
When a breathalyzer test is administered, there are many potential ways to challenge the results. The officer may not have been certified or properly trained to administer the test, the machine itself may not have been properly calibrated or tested for accuracy, or the person being given the test could have multiple reasons why they tested as intoxicated—other than being drunk.
Certain medications, some illnesses, using mouthwash, working as a painter, and even being on the Keto diet can all cause falsely high readings. Every defense is unique in some way, so an experienced DWI attorney will carefully gather all the evidence surrounding a DWI arrest and then work to build a solid case.
Contact Our Granbury DWI Lawyers
After being charged with DWI, it can be overwhelming to also have to choose a DWI attorney. True as this is, it is never a good idea to face DWI charges on your own. Without an attorney, you will almost certainly be found guilty, and you will likely face the stiffest penalties possible. Once you have a skilled DWI attorney as your advocate, you have a fighting chance of reduced charges, dismissed charges, or reduced penalties.
At The Law Offices of Rob Christian, our attorneys will carefully look at all aspects of your charges, answer all your questions, and then guide you through the entire process, helping you make important decisions as you go. Contact The Law Offices of Rob Christian at 682-936-4003 to schedule a free consultation with a Granbury criminal defense lawyer who has significant experience defending against Texas DWI charges.